Wednesday, January 27, 2016

First Day in Graphic Design Class

Welcome to Graphic Design!



Create something you will be proud to exhibit at the Art Festival in May


  1. Participate
  2. Respect (everyone)
  3. Imagination
  4. One Person Talks (quiet when the instructor or another student is speaking to the class
  5. No cell phones
  6. No headphones
  7. No emailing
  8. Take the wooden pass for the restrooms
  9. Take the wooden pass for the water fountain
  10. Computers don't like food or drinks


Grading is based on the following:
  • Participation: performing tasks, answering questions
  • Following instructions
  • Being considerate of all in the classroom
  • How much effort you put into your assignments: be creative and stick with it!
  • Being able to save to flash drive

Today you will write a few facts about yourself. Then we'll mix them up and read one paper at a time. The class will try to figure out who it is.

First, print your first and last name at the top of the paper.
Write clearly so I can read it easily.

Examples of what you can write:
  • Favorite subject
  • Pets you have
  • Favorite color
  • Something you are good at like sports or singing or dancing
  • Something special that happened to you recently
  • The name of your best friend
  • Sisters and brothers

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